Our Uniform

Wearing school uniform is one of the ways in which positive relationships and a sense of belonging are developed at Barraclough Hall School. By wearing school uniform children show a readiness to attend and engage in learning at school.
The school uniform is:
- Royal blue jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
- White shirt OR royal blue polo shirt
- Plain black/grey shorts, trousers, skirt or pinafores
- Plain tights – black or grey
- Dark coloured shoes (no open toe or slingbacks)
- Blue and white gingham dress in summer
A Barraclough fleece lined jacket is also available but this is optional. Barraclough Hall School have purchased school tops (jumpers, cardigans, polo shirts and t-shirts) in bulk so that we may resell to parents/carers at the most economically supportive price, no profit is made reselling to parents/carers.
Wearing the Barraclough logo is optional for all children. If parents/carers have plain uniform available to them this may be used however the school office should be notified.
School uniform tops featuring the school logo can be purchased directly from the school. Please contact the office for more information or if you would like to place an order.
PE Kit for all children:
- T-shirt – royal blue logo t-shirt or a plain white, royal blue or orange t-shirt only
- Jogging bottoms or shorts – plain black or navy
- Trainers – any colour